Pensions have taken on a kind of symbolic importance. A generational conflict could break out or there could be a fair agreement.

The increasing financial burden cannot be borne by one generation alone, neither by a younger nor an older alone. All generations should share the burden when unfavourable demography makes financing the system increasingly difficult. The FRFG advocates an intergenerationally just pension policy which shares the burden as equally as possible among the young and the elderly. Today's pension system in Germany is in urgent need of reform. The system has to secure justice between (intergenerational justice) and within (social justice) the generations.

We have 6 key demands:

"Rente und Pensionen"

FRFG's German Position Paper from March 2020 on pension systems.

"Mit der Erwerbstätigenversicherung jetzt beginnen: mehr Solidarität und weniger Generationen-Ungerechtigkeit"

FRFG's German Position Paper from March 2024 on bringing in contributory pension schemes for all Germans, including civil servants, members of the Bundestag and regional parliaments.