Board of Directors

The Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations (FRFG) has one of the youngest boards in Germany. The board represents the foundation, organises projects, starts campaigns and draws up position papers. It manages the foundation’s funds and prepares the annual report.

Grace Clover

Grace recently completed her studies in History and Modern Languages (German) at the University of Oxford, where she focused on the history of social movements, families, and gender. During her studies she was an active member of the student union as the "Ethics and Environment" representative. She has also collaborated with the diabetes research charity Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Now her focus is on theories of long-term thinking, paradigm shifts in our approach to the natural world, and theories of intergenerational justice.

Main focus areas: sustainability, "long views" on the future, social justice

Luise Roither

Head and Speaker of the Board

Luise is a healthcare economist and works in the field of R&D of medical technology innovations, for the future development of the healthcare system. In 2016, she founded her own initiative for the young generation in the health sector, Denkschmiede Gesundheit, which is now a part of FRFG. Luise has dedicated her professional and also part of her private life to the healthcare sector and is constantly on the lookout for people and organisations who share this enthusiasm and want to join her on the path towards a sustainable health sector.

Main focus areas: Healthcare, health policy, self-administration, financing issues of the care system, young networks in the health and care sector

Christopher Isensee

Christopher is a political scientist. The focus of his studies at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, the Harz University of Applied Sciences in Halberstadt and the Masaryikova Univerzita in Brno (Czech Republic) was on political participation and theories of political change. Professionally, Christopher works in the field of development information and education.

Main focus areas: political participation, energy and environment, political consulting

Jörg Tremmel

Managing director of the FRFG

Jörg is a philosopher and political scientist who conducts research at the interface between philosophy and politics. Specifically, he is currently concerned with topics in political philosophy/political theory, ethics, epistemology, and various empirical political science issues.

His most important publications: Handbook of Intergenerational Justice (2006); A Theory of Intergenerational Justice (2012); Normative Political Theory (2020)

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees supports the board’s work.

Prof. Dr. Rolf Kreibich

Prof. Dr. Kreibich has been the director and managing director of the Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment in Berlin since 1981, a member of the Energy Advisory Board of the Berlin Senate since 1988, the scientific director of the International Building Exhibition Emscher Park of North Rhine-Westphalia since 1989, the director of the Secretariat for Future Research in Gelsenkirchen since 1990 and the chairman of the Committee for Emission Control of the State of Brandenburg since 1993. He has written ca. 400 publications on education, science and technology policy as well as on environmental, economic, labour and innovation policy and future research. His book publications include Ecological Production (1990), Futurology and Politics (1991), Sustainable Development — A Model for the Future of Economy and Society (1996) and Competitive Advantages through Ecological Services (1999).

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ortwin Renn

Prof. Dr. Dr. Renn has been the scientific director of the Institute for Transformative Sustainability Research (IASS) in Potsdam since 2016. In 2012 he founded the Centre for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Research at the University of Stuttgart (ZIRIUS), which he directed until 2017. He was also a Full Professor of Environmental and Technical Sociology at the University of Stuttgart. In addition to his involvement at the University of Stuttgart, Renn was a co-founder of the DIALOGIK research institute. He has occupied positions in numerous important committees, including the chairman of the Sustainability Advisory Board of the State of Baden-Württemberg from 2006 to 2012. Prof. Renn is the (co-)author of numerous publications in the field of technology and risk sociology.

Office Team

Additionally, the office team is always supported by several young and highly dedicated interns.


The ombudsperson for the FRFG is Mr Lars Gildner, Systemic Supervisor M.A.
He can be contacted by phone at +49 163 3658553 or by email at
Anyone who feels mistreated by the FRFG or has a complaint can contact Mr Gildner.