The Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations (FRFG)
But what's the problem?
Politics and society are obsessed with the here and now. Slowly-emerging problems or ones that will affect us in the future lack public and political attention. Election cycles force politicians to focus on short-term political success. Additionally, the costs of today's political, economic and social decisions are all too frequently shifted into the future. Younger generations are affected most by today's decisions in the long-run — and yet their voice is underrepresented in the decision-making process. Unborn generations have no voice at all.
This is where we come in
Future generations should be given the same opportunities as today's generations to fulfil their own needs. We do not want to live at the expense of those who come after us. Thus, we are driven by a vision of young and old working together for justice that includes future generations.
What we do
It is our mission to raise awareness for intergenerational justice in politics, business, and society. We work towards this, with our various projects and activities. We also research and write informative position papers that explain the problem and propose practical solutions. We work out how to be just to future generations and inject this into the political debate. We encourage young people to engage with these issues and we promote research on the topic of intergenerational justice through our academic and legislative awards. 300 Friends of the FRFG and individual donations finance our independent, non-partisan work.
Let us show you first-hand what we do with our projects, including the Intergenerational Justice Prize, Walkshops, the Intergenerational Justice Review, on our path to an intergenerationally fair world! Or get it all in one go: listen to our episode on the Intergenerational Fairness Day Podcast or check out our YouTube!
We need you
We are always looking for people and organisations who want to work with us to find good and practical solutions to problems which threaten intergenerational justice. Help us make the world a better place for young and future generations!
Our Awards
Even though our work is rewarding in itself, we're always delighted and honored when respected organisations recognise our achievements.